Source code for autoprotocol.liquid_handle.liquid_handle_method


Base class for generating complex liquid handling behavior.

    :copyright: 2021 by The Autoprotocol Development Team, see AUTHORS
        for more details.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details

LiquidHandleMethods are passed as arguments to Protocol methods along with
LiquidClasses to specify complex series of liquid handling behaviors.

Methods in this file should not be used directly, but are intended to be
extended by other methods depending on desired behavior.

When creating a vendor-specific library it's likely desirable to monkey patch
`LiquidHandleMethod._get_tip_types` to reference TipTypes that the vendor
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from ..instruction import LiquidHandle
from ..unit import Unit
from ..util import parse_unit
from .tip_type import TipType

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods,protected-access
[docs]@dataclass class LiquidHandleMethod: """Base LiquidHandleMethod General framework for liquid handling abstractions and helpers for building a series of liquid_handle transports. Attributes ---------- _shape : dict the SBS shape and number of rows and columns of the liquid_handle _transports : list tracks transports to be added to the LiquidHandle instruction Notes ----- There is a hierarchy of logic to all LiquidHandleMethods that abstracts a complex set of liquid handling behavior into smaller, discrete steps. For step `x` (aspirate, dispense, mix) and parameter `y` (e.g. blowout): - Protocol method: - calls LiquidHandleMethod._`x`_transports - LiquidHandleMethod._`x`_transports method: - clears the _transports list - walks through all _transport methods including _transport_`y` - returns the _transports lists - LiquidHandleMethod._transport_`y` method: - checks parameter `y` in addition to the default_`y` method - possibly generates a series of transports based on the two values - calls lower level helper methods - LiquidHandleMethod lower level helper methods: - generate transports and append them to _transports Examples -------- For specifying a single, global liquid handling behavior across all volumes the easiest way is to specify parameters when instantiating a LiquidHandleMethod. .. code-block:: python from autoprotocol import Unit from autoprotocol.instruction import LiquidHandle from autoprotocol.liquid_handle import LiquidHandleMethod lhm = LiquidHandleMethod(, "uL")) ) For behavior that relies on more liquid handling parameters or even defines new behavior you can define your own LiquidHandleMethod. .. code-block:: python from autoprotocol import Unit from autoprotocol.instruction import LiquidHandle from autoprotocol.liquid_handle import LiquidHandleMethod class NewLHM(LiquidHandleMethod): def default_blowout(self, volume): if volume < Unit(10, "uL"): blowout_volume = Unit(1, "uL") else: blowout_volume = Unit(10, "uL") return volume=blowout_volume ) See Also -------- Transfer : method for handling liquid between two locations Mix : method for handling liquid within locations LiquidClass : contain properties that are intrinsic to specific liquids Protocol : contains methods that accept LiquidHandleMethods as arguments """ tip_type: Optional[TipType] = None blowout: bool = True """ Parameters ---------- tip_type : str, optional tip_type to be used for the LiquidHandlingMethod blowout : bool or dict, optional whether to execute a blowout step or the parameters for one. this generates two operations, an initial air aspiration before entering any wells, and a corresponding final air dispense after the last operation that involves liquid See Also """ def __post_init__(self): # LiquidHandle parameters that are generated and modified at runtime self._shape = None self._transports = [] def _get_tip_types(self): """Gets a list of TipTypes based on _shape Decides on the TipTypes that are compatible with the _shape of the liquid handling operation. Returns ------- list list of valid TipTypes Notes ----- This method exists to be monkey patched in vendor libraries to map shape parameters to actual tip types. Raises ------ RuntimeError if there are no tips that support the _shape See Also -------- _get_sorted_tip_types : the standard interface for this method """ if self._is_single_channel(): tip_types = [ TipType("generic_1_50", Unit("50:ul")), TipType("generic_1_1000", Unit("1000:ul")), ] elif self._shape["format"] == "SBS96": tip_types = [TipType("generic_96_180", Unit("180:ul"))] elif self._shape["format"] == "SBS384": tip_types = [TipType("generic_384_30", Unit("30:ul"))] else: raise RuntimeError(f"No tip types supported for shape: {self._shape}") return tip_types def _get_sorted_tip_types(self): """Gets a list of valid TipTypes in ascending order of volume Returns ------- list list of valid TipTypes sorted by their maximum capacity See Also -------- _get_tip_types : vendor library-specific tip selection method """ return sorted(self._get_tip_types(), key=lambda t: t.volume) def _rec_tip_type(self, volume: Unit): """For a given volume gets the smallest appropriate tip type Parameters ---------- volume : Unit Returns ------- Unit the recommended tip type for a given volume Raises ------ RuntimeError if there is no tip large enough for the specified volume """ total_vol = volume + self._calculate_overage_volume(volume) tips = self._get_sorted_tip_types() valid_tips = list(filter(lambda t: t.volume >= total_vol, tips)) if not valid_tips: raise RuntimeError( f"None of the TipTypes: {tips} allowed for this shape are " f"large enough to hold: {total_vol} (the target volume + " f"overage)." ) return valid_tips[0].name def _tip_capacity(self): """Gets the best estimate of tip capacity with the given information Uses either the defined or a calculated tip_type to estimate the total usable volume for a given tip after accounting for overage volume. Returns ------- Unit the maximum allowable volume for the method's tip_type See Also -------- _calculate_overage_volume : calculates volume unusable for liquid """ tip_types = self._get_sorted_tip_types() if self.tip_type is None: tip_capacity = tip_types[-1].volume else: tips_by_name = { _ for _ in tip_types} tip_capacity = tips_by_name[self.tip_type].volume overage_vol = self._calculate_overage_volume(tip_capacity).ceil() max_volume = tip_capacity - overage_vol return max_volume def _has_calibration(self): """Checks whether any specified LiquidClasses specify any calibrations Checks whether any of the LiquidClasses used by the LiquidHandleMethod have any volume or flowrate calibration. Returns ------- bool whether there will be any calibration based on LiquidClasses See Also -------- LiquidClass._has_calibration : checks for calibration parameters """ raise NotImplementedError @staticmethod def _estimate_calibrated_volume( volume: "Unit", liquid: "LiquidClass", tip_type: Optional[str] ): """Gives an estimation of calibrated volume If tip_type is specified then gets the actual calibrated volume, but if it is None then gets a rough estimate of the maximum volume calibration that might be experienced. This is used for estimates of calibrated volume used for calculating overage volume within the tip. Parameters ---------- volume : Unit the uncalibrated volume liquid : LiquidClass the liquid class to be calibrated against tip_type : str or None the name of the TipType to be used Returns ------- Unit an estimate of the calibrated volume See Also -------- _calculate_overage_volume : uses this method LiquidClass._safe_volume_multiplier : used if no tip_type is specified """ estimated = liquid._safe_volume_multiplier * volume if tip_type: calculated = liquid._get_calibrated_volume(volume, tip_type) cal_vol = calculated if calculated is not None else estimated else: cal_vol = estimated return cal_vol def _calculate_overage_volume(self, volume: "Unit"): """Calculates extra volume held in the tip besides the target volume Calculates how much extra volume is contained within the tip besides the target volume. This includes things like overage due to calibrated volumes being larger than the nominal volume. Parameters ---------- volume : Unit Returns ------- Unit the extra volume taken up in the tip besides the transfer volume """ raise NotImplementedError def _is_single_channel(self): """Determines whether _shape represents a single channel Returns ------- bool whether or not the method's shape is single channel-compatible """ return self._shape["rows"] == 1 and self._shape["columns"] == 1 def _aspirate_simple( self, volume: "Unit", initial_z: dict, position_x: Optional[dict] = None, position_y: Optional[dict] = None, calibrated_vol: Optional["Unit"] = None, flowrate: Optional[dict] = None, delay_time: Optional["Unit"] = None, liquid_class: Optional[str] = None, density: Optional["Unit"] = None, ): """Helper function for generating aspirate transports Parameters ---------- volume : Unit volume of liquid to be aspirated initial_z : dict position that the tip will move to before pump movement position_x : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement position_y : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement calibrated_vol : Unit, optional calibrated volume, volume which the pump will move flowrate : dict, optional flowrate of liquid during aspiration delay_time : Unit, optional time to pause after aspirating to let pressure equilibrate liquid_class : str, optional the name of the liquid class being aspirated density : Unit, optional the density of liquid being aspirated """ followup_z = self._move_to_initial_position(position_x, position_y, initial_z) mode_params = position_x=position_x, position_y=position_y, position_z=followup_z, liquid_class=liquid_class, ) self._transports += [ volume=-volume, density=density, # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type pump_override_volume=-calibrated_vol if calibrated_vol else None, flowrate=flowrate, mode_params=mode_params, delay_time=delay_time, ) ] def _aspirate_with_prime( self, volume: "Unit", prime_vol: "Unit", initial_z: dict, position_x: Optional[dict] = None, position_y: Optional[dict] = None, calibrated_vol: Optional["Unit"] = None, asp_flowrate: Optional[dict] = None, dsp_flowrate: Optional[dict] = None, delay_time: Optional["Unit"] = None, liquid_class: Optional[str] = None, density: Optional["Unit"] = None, ): """Helper function for generating aspiration with priming Parameters ---------- volume : Unit volume of liquid to be aspirated prime_vol : Unit volume of additional liquid to be aspirated along with volume initial_z : dict position that the tip will move to before pump movement position_x : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement position_y : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement calibrated_vol : Unit, optional calibrated volume, volume which the pump will move asp_flowrate : dict, optional flowrate of liquid during aspiration dsp_flowrate : dict, optional flowrate of liquid during aspiration delay_time : Unit, optional time to pause after aspirating to let pressure equilibrate liquid_class : str, optional the name of the liquid class being aspirated density : Unit, optional the density of liquid being aspirated """ followup_z = self._move_to_initial_position(position_x, position_y, initial_z) mode_params = position_x=position_x, position_y=position_y, position_z=followup_z, liquid_class=liquid_class, ) # Aspirate with priming volume self._transports += [ volume=-prime_vol, density=density, flowrate=asp_flowrate, mode_params=mode_params, delay_time=delay_time, ), volume=-volume, density=density, # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type pump_override_volume=(-calibrated_vol if calibrated_vol else None), flowrate=asp_flowrate, mode_params=mode_params, delay_time=delay_time, ), volume=prime_vol, density=density, flowrate=dsp_flowrate, mode_params=mode_params, delay_time=delay_time, ), ] def _dispense_simple( self, volume: "Unit", initial_z: dict, position_x: Optional[dict] = None, position_y: Optional[dict] = None, calibrated_vol: Optional["Unit"] = None, flowrate: Optional[dict] = None, delay_time: Optional["Unit"] = None, liquid_class: Optional[str] = None, density: Optional["Unit"] = None, ): """Helper function for generating dispense transports Parameters ---------- volume : Unit volume of liquid to be dispensed initial_z : dict position that the tip will move to before pump movement position_x : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement position_y : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement calibrated_vol : Unit, optional calibrated volume, volume which the pump will move flowrate : dict, optional flowrate of liquid during dispense delay_time : Unit, optional time to pause after dispensing to let pressure equilibrate liquid_class : str, optional the name of the liquid class being dispensed density : Unit, optional the density of liquid to be dispensed """ followup_z = self._move_to_initial_position(position_x, position_y, initial_z) mode_params = position_x=position_x, position_y=position_y, position_z=followup_z, liquid_class=liquid_class, ) self._transports += [ volume=volume, density=density, pump_override_volume=calibrated_vol if calibrated_vol else None, flowrate=flowrate, mode_params=mode_params, delay_time=delay_time, ) ] def _mix( self, volume: "Unit", repetitions: int, initial_z: Optional[dict] = None, position_x: Optional[dict] = None, position_y: Optional[dict] = None, asp_flowrate: Optional[dict] = None, dsp_flowrate: Optional[dict] = None, delay_time: Optional["Unit"] = None, liquid_class: Optional[str] = None, ): """Helper function for generating mix transports Parameters ---------- volume : Unit volume of liquid to be aspirated and expelled during mixing repetitions : int number of times to aspirate and expel liquid during mixing initial_z : dict position_z of the tip during the move_before_mix transport that happens before mixing position_x : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement position_y : dict, optional position that the tip will move to before pump movement asp_flowrate : dict, optional flowrate of liquid aspiration during mixing dsp_flowrate : dict, optional flowrate of liquid dispensing during mixing delay_time : Unit, optional time to pause after dispensing to let pressure equilibrate liquid_class : str, optional the name of the liquid class being dispensed """ followup_z = self._move_to_initial_position(position_x, position_y, initial_z) mode_params = position_x=position_x, position_y=position_y, position_z=followup_z, liquid_class=liquid_class, ) self._transports += [ volume=-volume, flowrate=asp_flowrate, mode_params=mode_params, delay_time=delay_time, ), volume=volume, flowrate=dsp_flowrate, mode_params=mode_params, delay_time=delay_time, ), ] * repetitions def _move_to_initial_position( self, position_x: Optional[dict] = None, position_y: Optional[dict] = None, position_z: Optional[dict] = None, ): """Moves to a given position_z and then returns a followup one Takes an initial position_z and moves to it before returning a suitable followup. If sensing is specified, then moves to well top and senses before returning a suitable followup position. Parameters ---------- position_x : dict, optional initial x position to move to before aspirating/dispensing position_y : dict, optional initial y position to move to before aspirating/dispensing position_z : dict, optional initial z position to move to before aspirating/dispensing Returns ------- dict followup z position to pipette at after initial movement See Also -------- _move_to_well_top_before_lld : helper method _get_followup_z : helper method """ self._move_to_well_top_before_lld(position_z) if any([position_z, position_x, position_y]): self._transports += [ position_x=position_x, position_y=position_y, position_z=position_z, ) ) ] followup_z = self._get_followup_z(position_z) return followup_z def _move_to_well_top_before_lld(self, position_z: dict): """If position_z contains any liquid sensing moves to well top Parameters ---------- position_z : dict position_z to be checked for lld events """ well_top_z ="well_top") ) ) if position_z: if position_z.get("reference") == "liquid_surface": if position_z.get("detection", {}).get("method") != "tracked": self._transports.append(well_top_z) @staticmethod def _get_followup_z(position_z: dict): """Generates a position_z that references preceding position/tracked Generates a position_z to followup after the specified one. If the liquid surface is referenced, then returns a position that similarly tracks the surface. Otherwise, generates a reference to the preceding position. Parameters ---------- position_z : dict position to be referenced when deciding on a followup position Returns ------- dict position_z to follow up at a non-sensing position """ preceding_z ="preceding_position") if not position_z: followup_z = preceding_z elif position_z["reference"] == "liquid_surface": followup_z = reference="liquid_surface", offset=position_z.get("offset"), detection_method="tracked", ) else: followup_z = preceding_z return followup_z def _transport_pre_buffer(self, volume: "Unit"): """Aspirates a pre buffer of air volume above the source location Parameters ---------- volume : Unit See Also -------- _calculate_pre_buffer : determines pre_buffer volume to aspirate _transport_blowout : the corresponding air dispense step """ pre_buffer = self._calculate_pre_buffer(volume) if pre_buffer: pre_buffer = parse_unit(pre_buffer, "uL") self._aspirate_simple( volume=pre_buffer, reference="well_top", offset="1:mm" ), liquid_class="air", ) def _calculate_pre_buffer(self, volume: "Unit"): """Calculates a recommended pre_buffer volume Parameters ---------- volume : Unit Returns ------- Unit pre_buffer volume See Also -------- _transport_pre_buffer : generates the actual pre_buffer transports """ if self.blowout is True: blowout = self.default_blowout(volume) elif self.blowout is False: blowout = {} else: blowout = self.blowout return blowout.get("volume", Unit("0:uL")) def _transport_blowout(self, volume: "Unit"): """Blows out air volume above the destination location Parameters ---------- volume : Unit liquid handling volume See Also -------- blowout : holds any user specified blowout parameters default_blowout : specifies default blowout parameters _transport_pre_buffer : the corresponding air aspirate step """ if self.blowout is True: blowout = self.default_blowout(volume) elif self.blowout is False: blowout = False else: blowout = self.blowout if blowout is not False: blowout_params =**blowout) self._dispense_simple(liquid_class="air", **blowout_params) # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc
[docs] def default_blowout(self, volume: "Unit"): """Default blowout behavior Parameters ---------- volume : Unit Returns ------- dict blowout_params See Also -------- blowout : holds any user specified blowout parameters _transport_blowout : generates the actual blowout transports """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def default_lld_position_z(liquid: "LiquidClass"): """Default lld position_z Returns ------- dict position_z for sensing the liquid surface """ # TODO: Select thresholds in some order return reference="liquid_surface", offset="-1:mm", detection_method="capacitance", detection_threshold=liquid.clld_threshold, )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_tracked_position_z(): """Default tracked position_z Returns ------- dict position_z for tracking the liquid surface """ return reference="liquid_surface", detection_method="tracked", offset="-1:mm" )
[docs] @staticmethod def default_well_bottom_position_z(): """Default well bottom position_z Returns ------- dict position_z for the well bottom """ return"well_bottom")
[docs] @staticmethod def default_well_top_position_z(): """Default well top position_z Returns ------- dict position_z for the well top """ return"well_top")